Born in Belgium, Laureate in Romance Philology and associate professor, Jan Van Den Driessche belonging to 3 generations of painters, lives in Ardèche, but travels the routes of art through exhibitions and fairs around the world. His works are in the collections of important galleries in Europe and particularly in Belgium (Antwerp, Brussels and Knokke le Zout). His “love for letters” is evident in his paintings, fragments of quotes, diffuse exclamations, reflections on Life. The world that emerges expresses a denunciation of the absurd Camusian of the human condition by alluding to the period of existentialism. Jan captures in his pictorial universe the disturbing images which materialize in scales, wheels, emphasizing an upward tension, crosses, contamination with the sacred, symbols through which the artist tries to exorcise the threat of death that the spectacle of life offers us every day. The Theater of Life for Jan Van Den Driessche is a circus show, a farce on which the threat of death weighs, … which finds its deepest roots in the popular images of the Middle Ages. Director of the show, Death and his assistant, Kronos, Time, that relentlessly flows. Heir of the great Flemish painter James Ensor, his works of surreal expressionism are full of ironic skeletons, top hats, women, eternal temptresses of teenage dreams.
In 2010 Jan Van Den Driessche became part of Monteoliveto Gallery and his works were successfully exhibited in Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Ghent and the Principality of Monaco. In 2011 after his participation to the glamourous Art Monaco ’11 in the Principality of Monaco in the booth of Monteoliveto Gallery, the gallery has curated his first solo exhibition in Naples, Italy, being successively exhibited in many European art fairs and events of the gallery. Some of his works are still visible in the gallery collection.
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