TRANSIZIONI               MUST Historical Museum City of Lecce 

1-20 September 2023

Lecce – Italy

Dedicated to slow life and travel it focus on the new Artistic, Cultural and Ecological Transition of the gallery for 2022. The theme is to propose works by artists who express what the word “Transition” in any aspect means for the artist.

HomeGallery Exhibitions Napoli

Leggende Napoletane (e altri racconti…

7 June – 7 July 2023 Napoli, Italy 

This exhibition will explore the different legends that have made famous the city of Naples in the world (but also the ones less known). Each artist will choose a legend or a tale in a selection given by the gallery and create one artwork inspired by it. 


Sur la Route #2
Internal Borders/Frontiere Interne                       Italy – Summer 2023 

An original concept launched by Monteoliveto Gallery, Bike for Heritage and Gilbert Ciervo in 2020. An exhibition on two wheels, ecological and itinerant that will bring together territory discovery and local and international art. Exhibitions on the road and final exhibitions in our locations.



Monteoliveto Gallery TO OPEN A GALLERY IN PARIS






Monteoliveto Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of a permanent gallery in PARIS



Cities of the World              


14 September- 15 October 2023

Monteoliveto Gallery

Paris – France

For the first exhibition in our Paris yearly project, the opening one, we wanted something that would make a statement, something important and of a certain appeal, so we chose a theme that we really appreciate and that fit perfectly in our annual thematic for 2023 (Ecological, Cultural and Artistic Transition): Cities of the World. Our lifelong project is named:Cities of Europe as we are trying to bring our artists, their works and our exhibiting ideas all around the Old Continent but for an exhibition related to this title we wanted to open it to the whole World!

monteoliveto Home Gallery Napoli

Un Bicchiere d’Arte

Un Bicchiere d’arte .. 07 – 06 – 2023

Vernissage della Mostra,
Leggende Napoletane”
con letture e presentazione del progetto.

Monteoliveto home gallery news

Monteoliveto Gallery Summer events

2nd edition – COMING SOON  

Salamander International Art Prize

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